Professor Zhokhov

In SKSU. M.Auezov on naturally-Faculty of Education at the Department of Theory and methods of teaching physics were invited from MSTU NE Bauman Professor, Dr. SciVintaykin B.E. and from YAGPU Professor, Ph.D. Zhokhov AL Also, the department of theory and methods of teaching chemistry TSPU was invited professor, D.Sc. Polishchuk A. H.

     Professor Vintaykin B.E. was a series of lectures and conducted seminars on the subject "Selected chapters of Solid State Physics," in a volume of 4 credits, conducted an examination in the discipline. Professor were conducted and prepared:

1. consultations and workshops on topics "Statistical processing of the experimental data," "Modeling of physical processes in the FTT" in the amount of 4 hours.

2. prepared three articles together with the staff of the Department for publication in scientific journals with high impact factor.

3. The preparation of materials for the preparation of a joint research project on "Physical modeling of the formation of systems of nanoparticles in Fe with Co, Cr and Ni, which are in a metastable state"

     As in the department of theory and methods of teaching physics are similar disciplines as "Crystal physics" and "Solid State Physics", then for students and undergraduates passage of this discipline was very important and urgent.

     Professor Zhokhova AL was a series of lectures and seminars held in the course "New educational technologies in learning physics" in a volume of 30 classroom hours, exam conducted for this course. He also wrote abstracts of lectures to the subject "New educational technologies in learning physics" (for specialty 6M011000 - Physics) of 2 credit. Professor were conducted and prepared:

1. consultations and workshops on "Education process of cognition", "A generalized model of cognition" in the amount of 4 hours.

2. prepared four articles, together with the staff of the Department for publication in scientific journals with high impact factor.

3. The preparation of materials for the preparation of a joint research project on the topic "Educational technology in teaching physics and mathematics disciplines."

     Professor PoleshchukO.Kh. was lectured and conducted seminars for the course: "Modern problems of inorganic chemistry." Besides editing was carried out of the textbook "Quantum Chemistry" for the study of the theoretical foundations of inorganic, physical and organic chemistry.

     Together with the teachers of the department of theory and methods of teaching chemistry and chair of the theory and methods of teaching physics taken part in the conference ICETE 2014 reports: «DFT study on the bonding in complexes of metal halides with Lewis bases», «Using of DFT study for estimation of the Mossbauer shift ».



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