Scientific work
The department is conducting research for 2021-2025 on approved state budget topics:
21-09-01 - Propagation of non-stationary waves in bodies with inhomogeneities. Supervisor: PhD, Professor Ashirbayev N.K.
21-10-01 - Improvement of theoretical and methodological training of future teachers of mathematics. Supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Madiyarov N.K.
Under the guidance of Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbi A., work was carried out on a scientific project funded from the republican budget for 2018-2020 on the topic «Basic properties of eigenvectors of one-dimensional differential operators with involution».
Under the guidance of Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbi A., work was carried out on a scientific project funded from the republican budget for 2020-2022 AP08855792 «Green's function and spectral characteristics of boundary value problems for second-order differential equations with involution».
Under the guidance of Ph.D., Professor Kalimbetov B.T. for 2018-2020, work was carried out on a scientific project funded from the republican budget on the topic AR05133858 «Contrasting structures in singularly perturbed equations and their application in the theory of phase transitions».
Under the supervision of Ph.D.,Professor Sarsenbi A.M., work was carried out on a scientificprojectfundedfrom the republicanbudgetfor2020-2022on the topic"Green's functionandspectralcharacteristics of boundary value problemsforsecond-order differentialorderswithinvolution".
Under the supervision of PhD,SarsenbiA.A., work was carried out on a scientificprojectfundedfrom the republicanbudgetfor2022-2025on the topic"Solvability of problemsforfourth-orderparabolicandhyperbolicdifferentialequationswithinvolution".
Today, under the leadership of Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbi A.M., work has been completed on a scientific project funded from the republican budget for 2023-2026 on the topic "The existence of solutions to boundary value problems for second-order differential equations with involution.
"The results of research work in these areas and scientific projects are published in scientific journals of the far and near abroad with an impact factor, republican rating publications from the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, proceedings of international, republican, regional scientific and practical conferences of various levels.
The department pays great attention to the interaction of students, undergraduates and doctoral students in research and participation in conferences, subject Olympiads, competitions of various levels.
Doctoral students of the department Kudaibergenova Zh.U., Saparbayeva E.M. took part in the competition of research papers «My PhD thesis», organized on April 27-29, 2022 at the Togliatti State University of the Russian Federation and took the 3rd prize.
Mazhitov B.Zh., a master's student of the MEP-18-9NK group, took the 2nd prize at the International Scientific and Practical Conference among young scientists of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Zhas Galym-2019» at Taraz State Pedagogical University in 2019.
In 2019, at the Republican Student Mathematical Olympiad in the specialty 5B010900-Mathematics, held at Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, students of the specialty Mathematics took the 2nd prize.
In the 2020 calendar year, the Teacher’s Staff prepared and published the following textbooks, electronic textbooks and teaching aids:
- Физика есептері (Electromagnetism Optics) (textbook). Shymkent, 2020, Publishing Center of Auezov University, 383s. Ashirbaev N.K., Kosharov A.Zh., Abzhapbarov A., Altynbekov Sh.E., Polatbek A.M.
- Differential calculus of multivariable function. Shymkent, 2020, Publishing Center of Auezov University, 336s. Ashirbaev N.K., Altynbekov Sh.E., Sultanbek T.
The number of articles with impact factor published by the teacher’s staff of the department in 2020 is 5
Fundamental, applied and risk-based research funded by ministries and development institutes in 2021: "Green's function and spectral characteristics of boundary value problems for second-order differential equations with involution". For 2021: 19585238 tenge. Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbi A.M.
- The decision of the committee to ensure quality in the field of education and science of MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan from April 15, 2021 No. 328 of the established Department, d.f.-m.s., Ashirbaev N. was awarded the rank of Professor on speciality of mathematics.
- Scientific articles in rating journals with Impact Factor-2;
- Promotion of research work, publication in the media: "Demand for Mathematics Specialists". Panorama of Shymkent, March 5, 2021 Ashirbayev N.K.
Fundamental, applied and risk-based research funded by ministries and development institutes in 2022: "Green's function and spectral characteristics of boundary value problems for second-order differential equations with involution". For 2022: 24,213,175 tenge. Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbi A.M.
The most important scientific and creative results in 2022:
- Ashirbayev is the holder of the title "Best University Teacher" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021. Nur-Sultan, 2022
- Sarsenbi A.M. is the holder of the title "Best University teacher" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021. Nur-Sultan, 2022
Scientific articles in rating journals with impact factor in 2022 -14;
2022j.Researchresultsincludedin the educationalprocess:2
- AP08855292"Green's functionsandspectralcharacteristics of boundary value problemsforsecond-orderdifferentialequationswithinvolution",A.M.Sarsenbi.Integraltransformationsandtheirapplication,No.0102/21/2022
- AP05131225"Basicproperties of eigenvectors of one-dimensionaldifferentialoperatorswithinvolution",A.M.Sarsenbi.Integraltransformationsandtheirapplication,No.2202/21/2022
Research results included in the educational process in 2022 (Appendices C,T): 1
"Pythagoras and the teacher. Sovereign Kazakhstan", September 30, 2022, No.187 (30416). Abzhapparov A.
Cipher AP19674587, of research results funded by the The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023,
contract No.224/23-25-8 , total amount: 96,008,764.6 tenge, years: 2023-2026
Topic: "The existence of solutions of boundary value problems for second-order differential equations with involution"
Supervisor -PhD Sarsenbi A. A
Performers: - PhD Musrepova E. B
- Doctoral student Beisebaeva A. Zh
By Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2023 No. 82 "On awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD", senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics D. A. Sapakov was awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
By Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 10, 2023 No. 862 "On awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD" to the senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, E. Musrepova was awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Scientific articles in rating journals with impact factor in 2023 - 11,
Promotion of scientific research, media coverage in 2023:
1) Madiyarov N. "Career guidance of graduates - a direction to the future." The Tolebi Flag, 2023, №20,(8676) 5 May
2) Madiyarov N. "The main way of choosing a profession is career guidance." South Rabat, 2023 No. 19.11 May.
In the calendar year 2023, the Teaching Staff prepared and published the following textbooks, electronic textbooks and teaching aids:
- TextbookforundergraduatesOP7M05410-Mathematics"Systems of parabolicpartialdifferentialequations", Auezov University,2023,KulekeevK.D.,AshirbaevN.K.
- Analyticalgeometry.TextbookforstudentsofOP6B01510,6B05410-Mathematics. Auezov University,2023,KarataevZh.,AshirbaevN.K.,MagyarovN.K.
- The Theory Of Determinants.Textbook of the Auezov University,2024,KarataevZh.
- HigherMathematics.Part1,study.foruniversities. Auezov University,2023,BaidibekovA.O.
- Highermathematics.Part2,studies.foruniversities. Auezov University,2023,BaidibekovA.O.
An inventive action. Intellectual Property Protection-1.
Copyright certificate: computer program. Definite integrals. November 3, 2023, No. 40165, Musrepova E. B.-2024 scientific articles in rating journals with an impact factor of 17; -Journals from the list of the
Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan-6
-CodeAP19674587,fundedby the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstanin2024, AgreementNo.224/23-25-8 ,totalamount:96,008,764.6tenge,years:2023-2026
Topic: the content of solvingboundary value problemsforsecond-orderdifferential equations withinvolution
-PhD candidate MusrepovaE.B.
- doctoral student Beisebayeva A. Zh
In the calendar year 2024, the Teaching Staff prepared and published the following textbooks, electronic textbooks and teaching aids:
- "Differential and integral calculations", part 1, Auezov University, 2024, Ashirbaev N.K., Musrepova E. B., Altynbekov Sh. E.
- "Differential and integral calculations", part 2, Auezov University, 2024, Ashirbaev N.K., Musrepova E. B., Altynbekov Sh . E .
Research results included in the production and educational process – 2
- "Actualproblems of mathematicaleducation"AltynbekovSh.E.
- "Existence of solutions to boundary value problemsforsecond-orderdifferentialequationswithinvolution"SarsenbiM.,MusirepovaE.B.
The most important scientific and creative results -1
By the decision of the Dissertation Council of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai dated March 6, 2024, on the basis of order No. 05-04/176 dated March 13, 2024, Altynbekov Shadiyar Yerkinovich was awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in OP 8D01501-Mathematics.