Professor of Bauman Moscow state technical University, B. E. Vintaykina during the work in M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state University 17.10.2019-16.11.2019. Read courses on disciplines "Selected chapters of atomic and nuclear physics" and "Physics of str

Professor of Bauman Moscow state technical University, B. E. Vintaykina during the work in M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state University 17.10.2019-16.11.2019. Read courses on disciplines "Selected chapters of atomic and nuclear physics" and "Physics of strength and alloys". He also conducted consultations and master classes "Modern methods of experimental data processing" on the methodology of experimental data processing for undergraduates and faculty of the Department of Physics.

Vintaikin B. E. made a plenary report at the international conference ICITE-2019. (X-RAY AND MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OF FORMATION OF SURFACE PHASES IN ALLOYS ON THE BASIS OF FE, NI, TI).

Vintaikin B. E. worked as a Moderator of section 3 of the international conference ICITE-2019, participated in 2 round tables of the international conference ICITE-2019.

Vintaikin B. E. presented and made a joint report with the faculty of Physics Department of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state University at the international conference ICITE-2019. Laboratory work of applied orientation for fhysical practical work in universities, adapted for school course of electrodynamics. Abdraimov R.T., Vintaikin B E, Dementjeva O.Yu., Saidakhmetov P.A., Yuldasheva U.M.

Vintaikin B. E. prepared and published articles with doctoral student Abdraimov R. T. in the journal " Science and life of Kazakhstan "(issue in November 2019): Abdraimov R. T., Vintaikin B. E., Nurullaev M. A., Saidakhmetov P. A. Cycle of laboratory work on the topic of alternating current with computer recording and data processing.

Vintaikin B. E. prepared and published articles with doctoral student Abdraimov R. T. in the journal " Science and life of Kazakhstan "(issue in November 2019): Abdraimov R. T., Vintaikin B. E., Nurullaev M. A., Saidakhmetov P. A. Cycle of laboratory work on the topic of alternating current with computer recording and data processing.

Vintaikin B. E.-graduate student of the Department of Physics of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state University Kambarbekova A. A. "Solving problems with vibration damping in samples of damping alloys". He wrote 2 articles with a graduate student on this topic.

Vintaykina B. E. carried out the implementation of its electronic textbook Vintaykina B. E. "Solid state Physics" as a mobile app.

Vintaikin B. E. held classes at school on 19.10.19 with students of 10-11 class, took part in the preliminary defense and discussion of two dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Physics – 6D011000 (head of doctoral students-doctor of Ph. D. M. N. Turmambekov T. A.)


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