In ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov on February 24, 2021 the conference "STEM - education" was held..
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- Hits: 599
STEM in teaching computer science;
STEM in a comprehensive school;
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Conference organizers:
Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan).
South Federal University
(Russia, Rostov-on-Don).
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The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Doctor of Economics, Professor -
Seilov Shakhmaran Zhursinbekovich. |
Section "STEM in Teaching Computer Science".
Chairman: M. Serik - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Informatics. Secretary: Karelkhan Nursaule - PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics |
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Participants with a presentation: 11
Section: STEM in a secondary school.
Chairman: Abildinova Gulmira Maratovna - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Technology.
Secretary: Sadvakasova Aigul Kadyrkhanovna - PhD, Acting associate professor of the department
Participants with a presentation: 9
Section: "STEM in Education: the Experience of Foreign Teachers".
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Chairman: Bondarev Maxim Germanovich, Head of the Department of Primary Education Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy, Southern Federal University. Secretary: Akhmetova Balgyn - NIS teacher. |
Participants with a presentation: 9
Bondarev M.G., head. Department of Primary Education, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy, SFedU
«STEM образование и практики работы с талантами в области естественных и инженерных наук в РФ»
«Мектеп оқушыларын stem жобалар жүргізуге даярлау»
2nd place
O.V. Parakhina, Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Institute of Education, IKBFU I. Kant
«STEAM Approach in Education: Perspectives and Challenges»
Konyushenko S.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Institute of Education of the IKBFU I. Kant
«STEAM – практики: педагогический взгляд»
Omarbekov E.E., Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov
«Білім сапасын бақылаудағы педагогикалық өлшемдер»
Serikbaeva M.Zh, student of the Department of Informatics, ENU. L.N. Gumilyov
«Информатика пәнін оқытудағы инновациялық құралдар»
Maksatov Sh., Karelkhan N. ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov
Kruglova M.A. Institute of Education IKBFU I. Kant
3rd place
Balashov N.A., 1st year master student of the STEAM-practice in education program, Institute of Education, IKBFU I. Kant
«Опыт реализации STEAM-практики в дополнительном образовании»
Ananyina S.A., 2-year undergraduate student of the STEAM-practice in education program, Institute of Education, IKBFU I. Kant
«STEAM-проект как инструмент формирования экологической культуры школьников»
Stolyarova I.V., 1-year master's student of the STEAM-practice in education program, Institute of Education, IKBFU I. Kant
«Межпредметные связи как средство подготовки к теоретической части олимпиады по физической культуре»
Balkaliev M.Ә. L.N. ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov
«Студенттерді оқытудағы "сыни тұрғыдан ойлауды дамыту" технологиясының негізгі ерекшеліктері»
Karabay O.S., M.O. M.Auezov SKU
«STEM бағытындағы робототехника сабақтарының рөлі»
Zharmukhanbetov S.M. Sultanbek T., Temirbek A., Kozhakhmet A., Kenzhebai B., Duysebek A. О M.Auezov SKU
«Оқу жасыл экономика, вакуумдық радиаторлар»
Karymsakova A.E., Khasenov A.E. ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov
«Методические основы применения икт в сор и соч на уроках английского языка»
Bykovskikh OI Institute of Education IKBFU I. Kant
«Педагогические условия предметноязыкового интегрированного обучения в рамках steam-образования в средней школе»
Krasyuk V.V. Institute of Education IKBFU I. Kant
«Основные тенденции дистанционного обучения в условиях пандемии covid-19»