Cooperation between two universities
- Жаратылыстану ғылымдары және педагогикасы Кожабаев Сабыр Есиркепулы
- Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 136
From April 15 to 18, 2024, Ibragimov Talgat Saduakasovich, associate professor of biology and geography department of the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy of our university, candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer of department Amirbekov Yergali Usipbayevich and a candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Yermakhanov Myrzabek Nysanbekovich, head of chemistry department went on a business trip on the invitation of Novai State pedagogical institute in Novai, the Republic of Uzbekistan. On the basis of the memorandum created between Novai State Pedagogical Institute and M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, we exchanged experiences in the course of scientific research and educational methodological work.
At the reception of the rector of Institute Sobirov Bakhodir Baibulovich, he wished to continue cooperation between two universities. The meeting was held together with professors of the Faculty of natural disciplines. The lectures were given by the candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Ibragimov Talgat Saduakasovich in Biology. A candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor M. N. Yermakhanov held lecture in Chemistry. Senior lecturer of Geography Amirbekov Yergali Usipbayevich held lectures. The internship was held at a high level.