By Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 08, 2024 №195, Department of Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Utelbaуeva Akmaral Bolysbekovna

     was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the scientific field 10300 - Сhemical sciences.

      Head of the Department "Chemistry," Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Ermakhanov Myrzabek was awarded a "LETTER OF THANKS" by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his 80th birthday at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov - a fundamental educational institution that occupies a special place in the domestic system of higher education.


      In the period from 01/22/2024 to 02.02.2024 The International Winter School «Auezov University-2024» was held at the Higher School of «Natural Sciences and Pedagogy» of the M. Auezov South Ural State University on the topic «Modern trends in education of natural science disciplines».

       The purpose of the winter school is to unite the efforts of various scientific schools and educational institutions in promoting new knowledge in the field of education.

     The Winter School was attended by leading scientists, researchers, teachers, young scientists, specialists in the field of science and pedagogy of Kazakhstan, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Hong Kong.

      At the opening of the winter school, the following speakers were: Dean of the Higher School of «Natural Sciences and Pedagogy», Ph.D., Associate Professor Madiyarov Nurlybai Kokeshovich; Head of the Department of «Informatics» at M.Auezov SKU, Ph.D. Zhaidakbayeva L.K., Head of «The Center for Licensing Management» at M.Auezov SKU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Adyrbekova G.M., Professor of Sakarya University from Turkey - Ali Chorukh. In their speech, they expressed their creative wishes for the fruitful work of the winter school and creative success to the participants of the event.

     During the winter school, scientists, teachers of domestic and foreign universities, leading practical teachers in Kazakh, Russian and English languages spoken. Winter School is an excellent opportunity to improve the professional competence of specialists, give an impetus to the professional development of students, and increase the number of credits for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

   The school was held online on the Zoom platform

      Organizer: Higher School of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan Research University.

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