Dean of the High School
Madiayarov Nurlybai 
The candidate of pedagogic science, Associate Professor
Address: Baitursynov street w/n, 214cabinet
Tel:: 8 (7252) 41-33-39 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Dean for academic work
Ydyrysbaev Darkhan
Address: Baitursynov street w/n, 216 cabinet
Tel: 8 (7252) 41-33-39 

Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Dean on scientific work
Sabdenova Ulbossyn
Senior lecturer
Address: Baitursynov street w/n, 216 cabinet
Tel: 8 (7252) 41-33-39
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Dean for academic and educational work
Alshynbaev Orynbasar
Address: Baitursynov street w/n, 216 cabinet
Tel:: 8 (7252) 41-33-39 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



About teaching in groups with English language learning in 2015-2016 academic year


The general data

"Natural Scientific and Pedagogical" Higher school  the South Kazakhstan state university of M. O. Auyezov is one of the leading faculties which carries out preparation of pedagogical shots for the organizations of educations.

In 1996 as a result of merger of Shymkent teacher training college of physical culture, Shymkent teacher training college of culture and several pedagogical specialties of Shymkent teacher training college of M. Auyezov the South Kazakhstan humanities university of M. Auyezov opened. On the basis of this university the Natural and pedagogical faculty which united specialties on preparation of pedagogical shots of natural disciplines was the same year formed.

In March, 1998 after transformation and association two higher educational an institution of the South Kazakhstan area – the South Kazakhstan humanities university and the South Kazakhstan technical university in the South Kazakhstan state university of M. Auyezov, the faculty also began to be called "Natural Scientific and Pedagogical" Higher school having united and having added structure with several natural-science specialties.

From 1996 to 2000 the faculty headed к.п.н., associate professor Poshayev

D. K. In the next years deans of faculty were, associate professor Kamalov Yu.N., Zharmaganbetov F.K.,, associate professor Azhibekov K.Zh., d.c.s., professor Nazarbekova S.P., c.b.s., associate professor Erezhepov A.E., – m.s, associate professor Orazov I.O.,, professor Nadirov K.S. Since 2011 to the present heads faculty c.p.s., associate professor Madiyarov N. K.

For years of education the faculty prepared more than 5000 pedagogical frames. Among them famous public figures, the leading scientists and outstanding people of whom we can be proud.

In different years famous scientists Medeuov E.U. worked at faculty. – the rector of YuKGU of M. Auyezov, Tashimov L.T. – the rector of MKTU of H.A.Yassavi, Utelbayev B. T. – d.c.s., professor, Oynarov -, professor, Zhumabekov L. – professor, Umirbayev U.U. – the outstanding scientist in the field of algebra and logic, -, professor, Sadybekov M. A. – -, professor, Atanbayev S. A. – -, professor.

Teaching staff

84 teachers work at faculty, from them 11 professors, doctors of science, 33 associate professors, candidates of science, 28 masters, 12 senior teachers and teachers.

In the field of preparation of pedagogical shots the academician of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan,, professor D. Rakhymbek,, professor S. A. Zholdasbekova, -, associate professor E.A.Nysanov, - , professor N. K. Ashirbayev,, associate professor A. Saipov,, professor A.P.Auyeshov,, associate professor Turmanbekov T.A.,, associate professor A. B. Utelbayeva.

Doctors of science, professors D. Rakhymbek, K. A. Duysenbayev, S. A. Zholdasbekova, N. K. Ashirbayev and candidates of science, associate professors K. A. Kabylbekov, A. A. Yunusov, Yu.N.Kamalov, M. N. Ermakhanov, R.B.Bekmoldayeva, I. Orazov are winners of the competition "The Best Teacher of Higher Education Institution".

At faculty training of bachelors and masters on 7 specialties, doctors of PhD on 3 specialties is conducted.

Student's life

Now at faculty gain knowledge of 634 students of 7 specialties.

12 scientific circles for involvement of students scientific and creative works work at faculty. Students of faculty annually participate and take prizes in the subject Olympic Games, scientific projects of RK which are carried out in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS.

Our graduates

Graduates of faculty work in the following establishments: at comprehensive schools, lyceums, colleges, at specialized and intellectual schools, in administrative structures of education systems, at research institutes, laboratories, in manufacturing enterprises and the organizations, in interschool industrial practice combines, in design and design offices, firms, in biochemical and sanitary and hygienic laboratories, and also in chemical plants and the enterprises.

To the entrant

Our faculty produces  experts in following specialties:         

Speciality: 5В010900 - Mathematics

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges;

- specialized and intellectual schools;

- administrative structures of education systems.

Speciality: 5В011000 - Physics

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges;

- specialized and intellectual schools;

- administrative structures of education systems.

Speciality: 5В060400 - Physics

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- area of experimental, theoretical and applied physics;

- research institutes, laboratories, design and design offices and firms;

- comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges;

- manufacturing enterprises and organizations.

Specialty: 5В011100 - Computer science

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- the teacher of informatics and computer facilities at comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges;

- specialized and intellectual schools;

- administrative structures of education systems.

Specialty: 5В060200 - Computer science

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- area of informatics and applied mathematics, information technology, Internet-technology, regional and world information systems;

- the teacher of informatics and computer facilities at comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges;

- research institutes, laboratories, design and design offices and firms.

Specialty: 5В011200 - Chemistry

Training term: 4 years

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges;

- biochemical and sanitary and hygienic laboratories;

- chemical plants and enterprises.

Specialty: 012000 – Profesional  teaching (On a profile)

Training term: 4 years


1. Designing and modeling of garments.

2. Operation and repair of the motor transport. 

3. Technology of work and business.

Sphere of activity of graduates:

- the teacher of designing and modeling of garments at comprehensive schools, lyceums, colleges and interschool industrial practice combines;

- the teacher of discipline "Technology" at comprehensive schools and lyceums;

- the teacher of discipline of "Avtodelo" at comprehensive schools, lyceums, driving schools and interschool industrial practice combines.

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