Mathematics - TS

Ashirbayev Nurgali Kudiyarovich
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Head of the department Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 320
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kalimbetov Burkhan Teshebayevich 
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Head of the department Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 325
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Karatayev Zhaksyberdy
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 320
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
 Madiyarov Nurlybay Kokeshovich
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
 Sultanbek Turlybek Sagynbayuly
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 320
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Abzhapbarov Azimkhan 
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 325
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Bekmoldaeva Rayna Baikenovna
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
 Duisebayeva Peruzha Seitkhanovna
senior teacher, master
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Polatbek Aigul Mahalovna
senior teacher, master
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
 Nurmaganbetova Zhuldyz Anvarbekovna
senior teacher, master
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Е-mail: zhuldyz.1969.
 Altynbekov Shadiyar Erkinovich
senior teacher, master
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
Sapakov Dinmukhambet Abdualievich
senior teacher, master
Contact phones:
Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Imanbetova Aselhan Bostandykovna
teacher, master
Contact phones: Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
 Alibekova Zhazira Dauletkhanovna
senior teacher, master
Contact phones: Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Erdankulov Ayan
teacher, master
Contact phones: Building №  7, Room 321
Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15

 Beisebayeva Akbope Zhapbarovna

teacher, master

Contact phones:

Building №  7, Room 321

Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


 Sabirhanova Perizat Shalkharbaevna

teacher, master

Contact phones:

Building №  7, Room 321

Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Tursynkulova Elmira Abdullayevna

teacher, master

Contact phones:

Building №  7, Room 321

Office phone: 8 (7252)21-17-15

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Physics - TS

Tursynbayev Abai Zakirovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Head of the Department
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230a office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saidahmetov Polat Ablataevich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230a office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nurila Saidullayevna Saidullayeva
Candidate of, ass.professor
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
Kabilbekov Kenjekhan Aristanbekovich
Ph.D. Docent
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
Spabekova Rosa Spabekovna
Contact details: Building N7,230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oralbayev Asylbek Bayseituly
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior lecturer.
Contact details:  Building No. 7, 230.
Offise phone: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Omasheva Gaukhar Shapaevna
Candidate of the (PhD) Physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Contact information: The bulk №7, 230 office,
Office number: (87252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nurashev Khamze Esmakhanovich
senior lecturer.
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
Е-mail: hamze63@mail ru
Ortaeva Kamila Ashimovna
candidate pedagogical Sciences, docent
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ablyazimova Nurzhamal Makhamatovna
candidate pedagogical Sciences, docent
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abdualiyeva Marzhan Amirbekovna
PhD, associated professor
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pazylova Dana Temirbekovna
master, senior teacher
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abdualiyeva Marzhan Amirbekovna
senior teacher
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abdraimov Rakhimzhan Turisbekovich
Master of science. The head teacher
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Suierkulova Zhamila Nyshanbaevna
Master, senior teacher
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Serikbaeva Gulnur Cuindikovna
Master of science. The head teacher
Contact information:The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Berdalieva Meiramkul
master,  teacher
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mutali Kulpynay Zhumataikyzy
master, teacher
Contact details: Building №7, 230
Office phone: 8(7252)21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Baubekova Gulnar Mukashevna
master, teacher
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Asanbek Beksultan
master, teacher
Contact information:
The bulk №7, 230 office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-34-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Burkhanov Bakytzhan Tursynbekovich
Higher education expert
Contact information: The bulk №7, 230 office,
Office number: (87252) 21-34-22


Head of the Department​

Tursynbayev Abai Zakirovich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences



Address: A.Baytursynov st., Bn., Room 230
TPhone: 21-34-22

computer science


►Teachers' staff

General information     

   Initially, in 1958,the Department of Physics was part KazTI, KazHTI. Since 2006,the department changed its name to "The Theory and Methods of Teaching Physics" with in SKSUM. Auezov.

   Since 2004, the department has been training bachelors in the specialty: 050110 - Physics (pedagogical direction); 050604 - Physics (scientific direction).

   Since 2009, the department has been training bachelors in the specialty: 5B011000 - Physics (pedagogical direction); 5В060400 - Physics (scientific direction), since the 2018 academic year, the department has been training bachelors in the specialty: 6В01521 - Mathematics-Physics, 6В01522 - Physics-Informatics and from 2020 6В01523- Physics.

Organizer of the Department of physics and its first head was cand.phys.-math.scien. M.S.Mendakhov.

In subsequent years, the department was:

Bespalov VG PhD th, Associate Professor (1967-1975 years)

Bakhtybayev AM doctor of m, prof. (1975-1985 years)

Seitbekov TS PhD th, Associate Professor (1985-1988 )

Gryzunov VI Prof. Professor (1988-1992)

Kabylbekov KA k.h.n, prof. (1992-2001)

Turmanbekov TA doctor of m n, Associate Professor (2001-2002)

Sagyndykov AS PhD, MN, docent (2002-2008)

Since 2009, the chair is headed by cand.phys.-math.scien. Saidakhmetov P.A.


Currently, the following teachers work at the department:

Saydakhmetov P.A., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor,

 Saidullaeva N.S. Ph.D., associate professor,

Omasheva G.Sh., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Kabylbekov K.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor,

Turmanbekov T.A. d.f-mn., associate professor,

Abekova Zh.A. Ph.D., associate professor,

Narashev Kh.E. - senior teacher,

Abdraimov R.T. - senior teacher,

Baubekova G.M. - teacher,

Ortaeva K.A. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Ablyazimova N.M. - Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Abdualieva M.A. - PhD, Associate Professor,

Batrbek D.B. - teacher,

Bayman G.B. - senior teacher,

Spabekova R.S. - Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Mutali Q.Zh. - head of the laboratory,

Burkhanov B.T.-Vuk specialist

Dusunaev D. - Vuk specialist


The contingent of students for the 2020-2021 academic year, full-time education is 474 students.

      From the 2007-2008 academic year, the department has been training masters in the specialties 6M011000 and 6M060400 (from 2019 - 7M01520 and 7M05310), from the 2016 academic year 7M01521-Physics and from the 2020 academic year 7M01522-Physics and informatics with the basics of STEM.

The contingent of undergraduates for the 2020-2021 academic year is 64.



The department haslaboratoriesforgeneral physics, methods of teachingphysicsand engineeringschool experiment, etc. In total there are4laboratories andonecomputer lab. Laboratories are equipped withmodernphysical devices, are equipped withthe latestteaching aids.
For the learning process, there are new computers andinteractive whiteboard.


Academic Life

At the departmenthas the followingresearch areas, led by experiencedlecturersof the department:

1. Actual problems of teachingphysicsin secondary school.

2. Improvedmethods of teachingphysicsby enrichingmultimedia resources.

3. Problemsof condensed matter physics.

Our achievements    

With the 2007-2008 school yea at the department is preparing masters in the field 6N0110 and 6N0604 (since 2009 6M011000 and  6M060400).

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the department trained 13 undergraduates. Graduate students conducting research in the laboratory of physicochemical methods study "Sapa" at SKSU and engaged in methods of teaching physics, publish scientific articles under the guidance of scientific leaders.

Teachers rationally combine instructional techniques of traditional pedagogy, active and interactive teaching methods and the elements of self-study, especially on such subjects as"Computer methods of teaching physics," "Analysis of new technologies inteaching physics," as well ason general physics.

There is a computerclass. Studentsin a computer class perform virtual laboratory for physics. Full computer course contains 18 labs, 82 computer experiment.

The department has 2 electronic textbook on quantum mechanics, a guideline on the mechanic sand molecular physics, for the implementation of virtual labs, case studies on "Magnetism."

    The base practices

Students enrolled in a degree 5B011000 "Physics", held on the basis of teaching practice:

  1. South-Kazakhstan oblast specialized boarding school for gifted children №1 with training in three languages;
  2. School Lyceum №7 them. K.Sypataeva;
  3. High School №19 them. U.Zhanibekova;
  4. Secondary School №47 im.T.Tazhibaeva;
  5. Multidisciplinarygrammar school №50 them. A.Baitursynov;
  6. School gymnasium №65 them. Y.Altynsarin.

Students enrolled in a degree 5В060400 "Physics", practical work on the basis of laboratory and center IRLIPSAPA.



Professor of MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman D. SC. M. S., Vintaikina B. E. during a pandemic remotely reads a special course "Selected chapters of solid state physics" in SKU M. Auezov.


     In modern conditions, distance learning is becoming a necessity online learning has become widespread in the field of education. This opens up new prospects for training everyone and gaining knowledge in the areas of interest. Students can access the lectures of the leading scientists in the online mode.

     For example, November-December 2020, Professor of the Department of Physics at the Bauman Moscow state technical University (Moscow, Russia), doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Vintaikin Boris E. remotely teaches a special course "Selected chapters of solid state physics".

    In previous years, Vintaikin B. E. repeatedly taught both this and other courses in the field of applied solid state physics at the SKU named After M. Auezov. This year, because of the pandemic, he is teaching this course remotely. Everyone can listen to the course remotely

     Vintaikin B. E. is a well-known scientist in the field of solid state physics, the author of three textbooks and more than 100 scientific papers in this field. He teaches 5 special courses in the field of solid state Physics at Bauman Moscow state technical University and other universities, including: "Solid state Physics", "Experimental methods of SSP", "methods for studying the structure of substances", "Selected chapters of solid state physics", "Methods of computer data processing". His well-known textbook "Solid state Physics" was published at the Moscow state technical University. Bauman's series of textbooks "Physics at a technical University" is intended mainly for students and postgraduates of Technical universities. This textbook sets out quite strictly and consistently the sections of solid state physics that are necessary primarily for researchers in applied areas of science and technology, that is, in the areas in which specialists are traditionally trained at the M. Auezov SKU.

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